Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Engaging all Students in Learning

In my field work, I saw a lot of things that my teacher did to engage all of the students. One of the main things we did that was engaging for everyone was our plays. All of the students had lines and parts that they had to learn and memorize, and they worked together to act out the plays. They all had to be engaged and paying attention in order to read their parts on time.
She also let the students do a lot of group work, which I feel like made the kids all talk together and figure out answers as a team rather than struggling with the answers themselves.
She also did a lot of songs to teach the kids different information. She had made songs to the tunes of popular songs that the kids would know so that they would be more likely to want to sing a long with them (ie: for math facts to the tune of happy).
I thought it was great to see how all of the students worked together and were being actively engaged in their activities without too much prompt from the teacher because of the way she had prepared the activities before hand.

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