Friday, July 8, 2016

Most Important Thing You Learned In Fieldwork

I think that one of the most important things that I learned in field work is to love all of your students and be their friend as well as their teacher. You need to be a teacher that your students can trust and can enjoy being around you every day. If the students dont like you and respect you, then they wont be as willing to listen and learn from you. While it is important to be your students' friends, it is also important for them to understand that you are the teacher and you are in charge. I think it is most important that a teacher learns to find a good balance between being in charge and respected and being friends with the students so they can have the best learning experience possible.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Rules and Organization

In the classroom that I was in there were very basic rules. She expected the students to already know how to behave at school. But she had a few rules like, raise hand to talk, be respectful, Keep your hands to yourself, etc... One way she enforced theses rules and other behaviors that might arise was with a clothes pin chart. The chart had about 6 areas labeled from excellent behavior to not having a great day at all. When the students would have behaviors that the teacher noticed, good or bad, she would tell them to more their clothes pin accordingly. The students earned a certain amount of points towards an auction depending on which area of the chart their pin ended up on. 
The teacher had a schedule posted on the board so that her students always knew what to expect next up in class. If there was going to be something different happening that day, she would let her students know in the morning as they were starting out their day so that they would be prepared. 
The materials in the classroom were very organized. Everything had a place in her classroom, and everything was labeled very clearly as to exactly what went where. I noticed that the students were really good with putting things back where they were supposed to go, and never had a problem finding things in the classroom, so they did not have to interrupt the teacher every time they needs a new pencil or a band-aide or something like that.